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Get Out of Your Head and Into Those Goals

Happy New Year, Esscential Beauties! How have you spent the first two days? Are you reflecting on choices you made last year, deferred dreams, or accomplished goals? Are you working on a new mindset, plan and strategy for the New Year? Are you committing to finish whatever you start this year? 

For myself, I did not check off everything on my To-Do List for 2024. However, I am celebrating a BIG win. I graduated last year and I am officially a Certified Aromatherapist. I’m excited about using the Esscential Beauty Corner to share ideas, tips, and essential oil recipes for our physical, mental, and emotional well-being. 

While mapping out our plans for a new year, sometimes it’s hard to let go of what we did not accomplish the previous year. We go through a series of what ifs, which can leave us feeling stuck in our head. This mental and emotional stagnation often results from competing with or comparing ourselves to others. In this New Year, while you’re working on those goals, I challenge you to make your intentions sincere and fair. Give yourself some grace and keep your emotions in check. Below is a list of some essential oils that support our mental and emotional well-being.

  1. Cinnamon Bark - Lifts mood; infuses you with energy

  2. Clary Sage - Calms stress and irritability

  3. Frankincense - Enhances concentration; balances emotions in times of anxiety, depression, grief, stress, and trauma

  4. Geranium - Lifts spirits; enhances mental focus; relieves anxiety and depression

  5. Holy Basil - Restores balance; brings a sense of calm and clarity

  6. Lavender - Balances the nervous system; relieves stress

  7. Lemon - Lifts mood and energy; enhances mental clarity and focus

  8. Rosemary - Improves mental clarity

From the above list, only frankincense, lemon, and lavender oils are safe to use during pregnancy. For lemon oil, avoid direct exposure to the the sun or tanning booths for 12 hours after use. Always dilute essential oils with a carrier oil such jojoba, sweet almond or avocado oil before applying to the skin.

Remember that smaller steps to the goal are better than no steps at all. So get moving and keep your emotions in check!

 Peace, love & healthy skin!


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